When dealing with complicated and unique applications, rCon provides the required services to meet the project needs. The heavy industry sectors have many specialized and challenging conditions that demand experience and specific knowledge to effectively determine the suitable engineered solutions. We provide the following specialized services:
Concrete Storage and Blending Silos
Steel Bins and Hoppers
Machine Foundations
Chimneys and Stacks
Support Structures for Heavy Crane Applications
Concrete Storage and Blending Silos
Design of silos requires extensive knowledge and experience due to complex loading applications. rCon has worked on numerous new silo design applications as well as retrofit design of existing silos.
Steel Bins and Hoppers
Steel bins are used to store material, usually for smaller volumes than concrete silos. Steel hoppers are used to withdraw material from silos and bins. Steel bins and hoppers need extra attention, as corrosion and wear are some of the common problems.
Machine Foundations
Dynamic loads imposed by a machine requires extra attention by engineers. If a foundation is not designed properly, dynamic loads may cause serious and permanent damage to the machine and foundation.
Chimneys and Stacks
Chimneys and stacks pose unique and challenging engineering design. rCon has worked on numerous successful projects requiring new design, evaluations and retrofitting of concrete and steel stacks.
Support Structures for Heavy Crane Applications
Large cranes are a common requirement for material handling in the heavy industry sector. Our engineering team has been involved with the successful design of new and retrofitted structures that support moving loads generated by heavy cranes. Design for fatigue considerations is one of the key components when selecting structural members that supports large and mobile cranes.